Pollution, smoke, makeup, sunscreens, and the natural build-up of dead surface skin and sebum can make skin look and feel dry, dull and lifeless.
That’s why cleansing correctly is your first step to naturally radiant skin. But research from the International Dermal Institute says most of us spend just 20 seconds doing so. And when you’re tired, it can be tempting to skip cleansing completely (we’ve all done it).
But cleansing doesn’t have to be a chore. Here’s how to cleanse properly – and leave your skin looking pure, smooth and hydrated.
1. Choose the right cleanser
Everyone’s skin is different, so it’s important to find the cleanser that’s right for you. Things to consider include your skin type, how you prefer to cleanse, and whether you need to remove eye makeup.
2. Use warm water
Hot water will dry skin out too much, which is why you want to keep the temperature down as you cleanse.
3. Start at the top
Using small circular motions, start cleansing at your forehead, and move down to your nose and out to your cheeks before finishing at your neck.
4. Cool rinse
After you’ve cleansed, rinse with cool water to refresh your skin, and prepare it for the next steps of your skin care ritual.
5. And repeat
It’s important to cleanse every morning and night. Your morning cleanse will help remove excess oil that’s built up on your skin overnight, while your evening cleanse will wash away the makeup, sunscreen, pollution and other impurities your skin has been exposed to during the day.
*This information was first published on Jurlique.com.au