Cleansing for Detoxification

Cleansing diets, herbs and fasting have been used as a form of healing by many cultures for centuries. And a number of religions have also encouraged fasting as a spiritual practice for mind, body and spirit. In current times, our body is susceptible to a much larger burden of toxins, chemicals and other environmental pollutants, […]

Waking Up Early

You may have heard your grand parents extol the virtues of getting up early with the song ‘early to sleep and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’ But its interesting to know that this is no mere wives tale and the benefits to waking up early are many, including but not […]

Greet the Sun

Spring is in bloom and there is no better time to begin the very good habit of rising early to greet the morning sun. In fact, there are many health benefits associated with morning sunshine. Even the birds and other animals provide a veritable symphony of song and dance in praise of the sun. Greeting […]

Dose Up on Vitamin D

Sunshine provides a rich natural source of Vitamin D, which has numerous health benefits. However, despite living in a country that is drenched with a lot of sunlight, many Australians are Vitamin D deficient. This is possibly due to many of us actually fearing the sun and growing up with the national summer slogan of […]

Hydration and Healing

We need water to live and sometimes it’s important to be reminded of that basic fact, which is the reason for this article. Water is often the miracle cure required when we are suffering with headaches or feeling tired, constipated or toxic. Water makes up between 60 to 80% of our human body and the […]

Creating Your Bath Time Ritual

At the end of a hectic day, nothing is more enticing than a long soak in a warm bath for a slice of ‘me time’. Take time out to lie back and unwind, and let the sensations of the warm water dissolve away the day and any muscular tension. The best way to ease into […]

Benefits of Breathing

Correct breathing is vital for a well-functioning constitution. When we breathe, we not only inhale vital life-supporting oxygen to feed every cell in our body, but through exhaling, we expel waste products in the form of carbon dioxide. Through this process the body removes acidic compounds that accumulate in the blood, and by doing so […]

Earthing for Better Health

Like Richard Gere in the 1990 movie Pretty Woman, many of us don’t make a concerted effort to leave our shoes behind and feel the grass beneath our feet. Modern day living has our well-shod feet pounding the asphalt rather than going at least some times barefoot on earthy surfaces such as grass, soil and […]